Sunday, November 16, 2008

(insert opening credits here)

Greetings, blog place world thingy. I'm not very social, so I'll just get on with it.

I only created this 'cause my friend made me (well not really made me, BASTA, and that's Tagalog for "I love you", keep that in mind). SO, this is my first official entry, and it's sucking all your time, stop reading, stranger. This is a waste of time. I'm not saying this site's a waste of time, I'm saying reading this is a waste of time, yes, indeed, agree with me, agree? I guess I won't be posting much blogs on my other accounts since this thing is alive now. Just so you know, I don't get this site much. I'm still young and innocent and proud that I'm still young and innocent. I don't care if I use a default layout. And I'm starting to sound like Zap. Zap, you'll get to know her. No, wait, her name's Megan now, her name's Megan forever.

I don't know what to say. I hate this day. And that rhymed. Let's not make it rhyme, I hate this week. Yesterday was exhausting. I pissed off my dad. All my friends are such bitches, including the boys. My mom will never be my role-model. I will never be American. You will never be more bored in your life. Well SUCK IT UP. This is my life, and I'mma tell you all about it, every single maybe-not-really-every-single day of my life. Sayonara. Auf Wiedersehen. Zai Jian. Alla Ysalmak. Arrivederci. Au Revoire. Adios. Paalam. Goodbye.
